Friday, August 8, 2014

Demo day 4

Yesterday the weather cooperated and the Tombleson guys continued ripping the guest house apart. The bathroom and closet are gone, leaving one big open space. And the hole in the floor that used to be the access to hidden folding stairs to the storage area below has now been filled in with beams to support the new interior wall.

The dumpster truck returned and BBBG (we learned today his name is Corey) wasted no time filling it up with what used to be the guest house.

We posted a picture of the demo on Facebook yesterday and received a lot of comments about the chickens and how stressed out they must be. There's been no slowdown in egg production and they're still doing their loud squawking songs every time one of them lays an egg. They seem to be doing fine. We kind of think they may even be enjoying all of the activity around them.

This morning Dave brought us out to the site to resolve some issues about beam placement. The wood for the roof arrived this morning and Dave thinks they'll have everything prepped today so that the roof can go up on Monday.

Still haven't heard back from the tile guy. Hope he's found a good substitute for the floor tile. And at the rate the construction guys are going, we're going to need the tile soon.

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